Free VBA Excel Scripts, Functions, XLS samples downloads with description

Welcome to the Free VBA Excel Scripts, Functions, XLS samples downloads with description webpage. To solve automatization task with Excel please use our Visual Basic for application (VBA) scripts, functions. All scripts works well in Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel 2003 and Excel 2007, Excel 2010. For more compatibility all Excel files, presented here are in XLS format with description.

To View results of the working VBA scripts:
1. Open Blank Excel File
2. Enable Macros for Excel 97-2003 in Tools - Macro - Security - Security Level - Medium (Low).
For Excel 2007, Excel 2010 - Excel Options - Trust Center - Trust Center Settings - Macro Settings - Enable all macros.
3. Open XLS File from ZIP archive.
4. Press Alt+F11 key.
5. Press CTRL+G to view Immediate Window.
6. Click "ThisWorkbook" in the top left "Project - VBA Project" window.
7. Press "F5" button Run Macro.

  • FindPos - This Script will find a substring within a string and returns first position, or zero if the substring will be not found
  • Download FindPos Excel VBA Script

    ' ****************** FindPos Script Code Start ******************

    Function FindPos(SubSt, St)
    FindPos = 0
    If Len(SubSt) <= Len(St) Then
    For p = 1 To Len(St) - Len(SubSt) + 1
    If Mid(St, p, Len(SubSt)) = SubSt Then
    FindPos = p
    Exit Function
    End If
    Next p
    End If
    End Function
    Sub FindPos_Sample_BeginWithSoftware_COM()

    ' This Script will find a substring within a string and returns first position, or zero if the substring will be not found
    ' This Function is a Case Sensitive
    ' Similar to the InSTR VBA Function
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM

    ' Please enter substring here
    MySubString = "Very"
    ' Please enter string here
    MyString = "Thank You Very Much"

    ' Resulting Variable
    FoundPosNum = FindPos(MySubString, MyString)

    ' Displaying Result in the Immediate Window - Press CTRL+G to view it
    If FoundPosNum > 0 Then
    Debug.Print "My SubString "; Chr(34); MySubString; Chr(34); " found at position "; FoundPosNum; " within "; Chr(34); MyString; Chr(34)
    Debug.Print "My SubString "; Chr(34); MySubString; Chr(34); " is not found within "; Chr(34); MyString; Chr(34)
    End If
    Debug.Print "Done."

    End Sub

    ' ****************** FindPos Script Code End ******************

  • ReverseString - This Script will change all symbols in a reverse order
  • Download ReverseString Excel VBA Script

    ' ****************** ReverseString Script Code Start ******************

    Function ReverseString(dirst)
    ReverseString = ""
    For dr = Len(dirst) To 1 Step -1
    ReverseString = ReverseString + Mid(dirst, dr, 1)
    Next dr
    End Function
    Sub ReverseString_Sample_BeginWithSoftware_COM()

    ' This Script will change all symbols in a reverse order
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM

    ' Please enter string here
    MyString = "1234567AZ"

    ' Resulting Variable
    MyReverseResult = ReverseString(MyString)

    ' Displaying Result in the Immediate Window - Press CTRL+G to view it

    Debug.Print "My String is "; Chr(34); MyString; Chr(34)
    Debug.Print "My Reverse String is "; Chr(34); MyReverseResult; Chr(34)

    Debug.Print "Done."

    End Sub

    ' ****************** ReverseString Script Code End ******************

  • RemoveSpaces - This Script will remove all spaces symbols in a string variable
  • Download RemoveSpaces Excel VBA Script

    ' ****************** RemoveSpaces Script Code Start ******************

    Function RemoveSpaces(spst)
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM
    RemoveSpaces = ""
    If Len(spst) > 0 Then
    For rs = 1 To Len(spst)
    rsbuk = Mid(spst, rs, 1)
    If rsbuk = " " Then
    RemoveSpaces = RemoveSpaces + ""
    RemoveSpaces = RemoveSpaces + rsbuk
    End If
    Next rs
    End If
    End Function
    Sub RemoveSpaces_Sample_BeginWithSoftware_COM()

    ' This Script will remove all spaces symbols in a string variable
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM

    ' Please enter string here
    MyString = "In ter net"

    ' Resulting Variable
    MyNoSpacesResult = RemoveSpaces(MyString)

    ' Displaying Result in the Immediate Window - Press CTRL+G to view it

    Debug.Print "My String is "; Chr(34); MyString; Chr(34)
    Debug.Print "My String Without Spaces is "; Chr(34); MyNoSpacesResult; Chr(34)

    Debug.Print "Done."

    End Sub

    ' ****************** RemoveSpaces Script Code End ******************

  • CheckDigitsOnlyInString - This Script will check a string variable to contain digits only from 0 to 9. If it is - returns TRUE, else FALSE
  • Download CheckDigitsOnlyInString Excel VBA Script

    ' ****************** CheckDigitsOnlyInString Script Code Start ******************

    Function CheckDigitsOnlyInString(vst)
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM
    CheckDigitsOnlyInString = False
    If Len(vst) > 0 Then
    For vn = 1 To Len(vst)
    vnbuk = Mid(vst, vn, 1)
    If (vnbuk <> "0") And (vnbuk <> "1") And (vnbuk <> "2") And (vnbuk <> "3") And (vnbuk <> "4") And (vnbuk <> "5") And (vnbuk <> "6") And (vnbuk <> "7") And (vnbuk <> "8") And (vnbuk <> "9") Then
    Exit Function
    End If
    Next vn
    CheckDigitsOnlyInString = True
    Exit Function
    End If
    End Function
    Sub CheckDigitsOnlyInString_Sample_BeginWithSoftware_COM()

    ' This Script will check a string variable to contain digits only from 0 to 9. If it is - returns TRUE, else FALSE
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM

    ' Please enter string 1 here
    MyString1 = "1234567890"

    ' Please enter string 2 here
    MyString2 = "12345A67890"

    ' Resulting Variable for MyString1 variable
    MyCheckedResult1 = CheckDigitsOnlyInString(MyString1)

    ' Resulting Variable for MyString2 variable
    MyCheckedResult2 = CheckDigitsOnlyInString(MyString2)

    ' Displaying Result in the Immediate Window - Press CTRL+G to view it

    If MyCheckedResult1 = True Then
    Debug.Print "MyString1 "; Chr(34); MyString1; Chr(34); " contains digits only"
    Debug.Print "MyString1 "; Chr(34); MyString1; Chr(34); " not contains digits only"
    End If

    If MyCheckedResult2 = True Then
    Debug.Print "MyString2 "; Chr(34); MyString2; Chr(34); " contains digits only"
    Debug.Print "MyString2 "; Chr(34); MyString2; Chr(34); " not contains digits only"
    End If

    Debug.Print "Done."

    End Sub

    ' ****************** CheckDigitsOnlyInString Script Code End ******************

  • DefineCurrentFolderPathForExcelFile - This Script will define the full current folder path for Excel File.
    NOTE: Please Save Excel File before the Macro running
  • Download DefineCurrentFolderPathForExcelFile Excel VBA Script

    ' ****************** DefineCurrentFolderPathForExcelFile Script Code Start ******************

    Function ReverseString(dirst)
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM
    ReverseString = ""
    For dr = Len(dirst) To 1 Step -1
    ReverseString = ReverseString + Mid(dirst, dr, 1)
    Next dr
    End Function
    Function FindPos(SubSt, St)
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM
    FindPos = 0
    If Len(SubSt) <= Len(St) Then
    For p = 1 To Len(St) - Len(SubSt) + 1
    If Mid(St, p, Len(SubSt)) = SubSt Then
    FindPos = p
    Exit Function
    End If
    Next p
    End If
    End Function
    Sub DefineCurrentFolderPathForExcelFile_Sample_BeginWithSoftware_COM()

    ' This Script will define the full current folder path for Excel File
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM

    CurrFileFullName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
    SlashPos = Len(CurrFileFullName) - FindPos("\", ReverseString(CurrFileFullName)) + 1
    CurrFileShortName = Mid(CurrFileFullName, SlashPos + 1, Len(CurrFileFullName) - SlashPos)
    ' Resulting String Variable
    DefinedFolderPathForExcelFile = Mid(CurrFileFullName, 1, SlashPos)

    ' Displaying Result in the Immediate Window - Press CTRL+G to view it

    Debug.Print "My Current Excel File "; Chr(34); CurrFileShortName; Chr(34); " is in"
    Debug.Print Chr(34); DefinedFolderPathForExcelFile; Chr(34)
    Debug.Print "folder."
    Debug.Print "Done."

    End Sub

    ' ****************** DefineCurrentFolderPathForExcelFile Script Code End ******************

  • FindMaximumValueInColumn - This Script will find maximum value of number in a column
  • Download FindMaximumValueInColumn Excel VBA Script

    ' ****************** FindMaximumValueInColumn Script Code Start ******************

    Sub FindMaximumValueInColumn()

    ' This Script will find maximum value of number in a column
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM

    ' Please Enter Worksheet Name
    MyWorksheetName = "BeginWithSoftware.Com"

    ' Please Enter Start Row
    StartRow = 2

    ' Please Enter End Row
    EndRow = 10000

    ' Please Enter Column Number
    ScanCol = 1

    MaxValue = CDbl(Worksheets(MyWorksheetName).Cells(StartRow, ScanCol).Value)
    MaxRow = StartRow

    For i = StartRow To EndRow

    CurrValue = CDbl(Worksheets(MyWorksheetName).Cells(i, ScanCol).Value)

    If CurrValue > MaxValue Then
    MaxValue = CurrValue
    MaxRow = i
    End If

    Next i

    ' Displaying Result in the Immediate Window - Press CTRL+G to view it

    Debug.Print "The Maximum Value is "; Chr(34); MaxValue; Chr(34); " is in "; MaxRow; " Row"
    Debug.Print "Done."

    End Sub

    ' ****************** FindMaximumValueInColumn Script Code End ******************

  • FindMinimumValueInColumn - This Script will find minimum value of number in a column
  • Download FindMinimumValueInColumn Excel VBA Script

    ' ****************** FindMinimumValueInColumn Script Code Start ******************

    Sub FindMinimumValueInColumn()

    ' This Script will find minimum value of number in a column
    ' Provided by BeginWithSoftware.COM

    ' Please Enter Worksheet Name
    MyWorksheetName = "BeginWithSoftware.Com"

    ' Please Enter Start Row
    StartRow = 2

    ' Please Enter End Row
    EndRow = 7

    ' Please Enter Column Number
    ScanCol = 1

    MinValue = CDbl(Worksheets(MyWorksheetName).Cells(StartRow, ScanCol).Value)
    MinRow = StartRow

    For i = StartRow To EndRow

    CurrValue = CDbl(Worksheets(MyWorksheetName).Cells(i, ScanCol).Value)

    If CurrValue < MinValue Then
    MinValue = CurrValue
    MinRow = i
    End If

    Next i

    ' Displaying Result in the Immediate Window - Press CTRL+G to view it

    Debug.Print "The Minimum Value is "; Chr(34); MinValue; Chr(34); " is in "; MinRow; " Row"
    Debug.Print "Done."

    End Sub

    ' ****************** FindMinimumValueInColumn Script Code End ******************

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  • View Excel VBA guides and books reviews and listing
    VBA MyVLOOKUPData Function to solve VLOOKUP errors
    VBA JoinCellsTool Function to join (merge) multiple cells into one

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